CLIENT Pilbara Manganese

Green Snake

Project Scope

The Woodie Woodie Green Snake project encompassed a comprehensive design, detailing, and installation of various Non-Processing Infrastructure (NPI) components to support the mining operations. The scope of works included:


  1. Heavy Vehicle Workshop (1800m²)

    The workshop included dedicated servicing and repair areas and featured a 25-ton Overhead Gantry crane for heavy vehicle maintenance.

  2. Light Vehicle Workshop (250m²)

    This workshop was designed to support the maintenance and repair of light vehicles used on-site.

  3. Parts Storage Area (450m²)

    This area provided organised storage for parts and equipment necessary for vehicle maintenance and operations.

  4. Transportable Office Complex (200m²)

    To accommodate workshop staff and management, offices, meeting rooms, and administrative spaces were built to support daily operations and management activities.

  5. Heavy Vehicle Wash Down Bay (400m²)

    This hardstand area, featuring an Oil Separator and Silt Bog Out Pit, supports up to 300 tons and is designed for heavy vehicle cleaning and maintenance.

  6. Refueling Facility (300,000-litre capacity facility)

    Designed for refueling both heavy and light vehicles, this facility included tanks, pumps, and necessary infrastructure for safe and efficient refueling operations.

  7. Heavy Vehicle Tyre Change (120m²)

    Specifically designed for tyre changes on heavy vehicles, this hardstand jacking pad provided a safe and stable area for these operations.


  • Remote Site location

  • Extended 4-1 Working Rosters

  • Hot climate working environment


The Woodie Woodie Green Snake project built robust infrastructure to enhance operations, with a comprehensive design, quality materials, and expert installation improving vehicle management, parts storage, and office and workshop spaces.

project Photos


Brockman 4 NPI